Saturday, October 24, 2009


I tread onward ever weary,
unsure of this road.
Steadily, now forward moving,
down the path I chose.
My destination lay uncertain,
or so now it seems,
beyond the furthest of horizons,
rest my future dreams.
Though I have not all the answers,
to all the questions in my head:
I am certain of the footsteps
that I follow in.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Being that it is the Fall
I should like to stop and think,
for a moment
of the things in my life,
which like the leaves on the trees—
must fall away.
Those ingrained habits,
ways of thinking and being,
that do not serve the purpose
for which I was placed upon this earth.
Of all of these the greatest it seems,
is my ingratitude to You,
for life.
Rarely do I think of you,
Day to day, moment to moment,
but I know this should not be.
The things that you have opened your hand,
and so freely given,
should remind me of your love.
Never should I think of my life and breath
home, food, bed, money or friends as mine.
To do with as I please.
For all these things are Yours,
and I thank You for them.
No longer will I spend them,
in vanity and selfishness:
How is it that I justify
throwing food away,
while your little children starve?
And spending money on fleeting pleasure,
while others are in need.
Never again will I waste what you have given,
or forget all that I have
and all that I am,
comes from You.
Lord help us all to allow
our selfishness and ingratitude
to fall away—
May I be like the tree,
who in it’s time and season
sheds it’s leaves
and becomes new again.